Sunday, October 4, 2009

park day.

I feel a lot like a 65-year old for posting these photos, but I just wanted to share some of the highlights from my very unimportant day.


Mark Adamson – Graphic Design said...

Nice! Did you fead the ducks? Or find a stray cat to stroke? ...because then you would feel 65.

Stina Johansson said...

hehe, no, I didn't. But I was swearing about all the dog-shit that people leave behind everywhere. That must count as granny-points, right?

Mark Adamson – Graphic Design said...

Haha, complaining definitely counts...but they might also try to clean it up...

Bengt said...

Or you couldt try to put a little notice, saying "pick up the shit from your dogs, you are beeing watched"