Friday, December 5, 2008

the go-getter

I loved this film. Made me wanna steal a car and go.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

that's an asshole burning!

That's the smell of an asshole burning from Stina Johansson on Vimeo.
A bit pathetic and typical, I know. But still quite funny to watch.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

finally the fall!

A met deadline. Crappy outcome, but what does it matter. I've enjoyed the freedom of not having a project today. Not worried sick over dissertation research, or the anxiety of not having a strong idea. This freedom, however short, is freakin amazing. So I, and my dear house mates, whatched a movie tonight. A movie I've longed to see for a very long time: The Fall. I think it was absolutely wonderful. Beautiful. Inspirational. Recognisable. And with an extremely cute and chubby little girl and wow-he's-awesome Lee Pace. Sweet. I think I'll sleep well tonight.

Monday, December 1, 2008

no bright tomorrow, mr chamorro!

Ah, since nobody reads my blog, I feel no shame whatsoever to publish this little drawing. I had the idea while I had my morning shower, and it kind of made my day, I think. Such a lovely new mantra... Because unlike perverted, inpregnating, sickos from 3rd world countries - I do have a bright tomorrow. So fuck you, Mr Chamorro - really - fuck you!