Thursday, October 30, 2008


In die sofa gehopsen, oder nicht in die sofa gehopsen.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Have been drawing millions and millions of Penelope Cruzes, Nicole Kidmans and Mimi Rogers'. Right up is drawings of lazor beeming Toms.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

fucking awesome!

Thanks, Simon, for the link.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

i'm in love...

... the dinosaur talk, damn, that's were he blew me away...

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Design event 08 in Newcastle

Leaving Carlisle for just a few hours is like an adventure to a different country. Today I went to Newcaslte with my friends Rushe and Mikaela. It was such a thrill. Just going by train is something extraordinary, which is quite silly. We went around in the city for a while, then we headed for the Design Event 08 talk from Timorous Beasties (such a weird name!). It was awesme! Wallpaper and textile design are normally not my field, but it's infuenced by graphic design (or vise versa), so in that sense it was highly relevant to what I'm doing too. It was really interesting anyway and very inspirational. Before we jumped on the train back to Carlisle, we went for sushi. Mmm, just such a perfect ending to a great day! All of a sudden it felt (and looked) like I was back in Korea. Nari, if you read this, I really miss you!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

A commited design

"A commited design needs to be backed up by a commited designer and vice versa", meaning: A good design should have a designer who can talk about it in a good way, likewise an articulate designer should have work that meets the same standards as the talking. This little thing came to light through a conversation with my dear friend Rushe. I stayed up until 2.30 to finish the drawing inside my sketchbook, which is perhaps why there's a typo in it...

Friday, October 17, 2008

Beauty by numbers

According to the golden ratio I'm only partly beautiful, or perhaps not at all.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Being president is fun!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

This guy is hilarious!

Makes me want to have him around in the house to do crazy stuff and cheer me up whenever I'm down.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Eduardo Recife vs. Lucky Street

I think Eduardo Recife ( has been to Lucky Street... He has a gorgeous new website up by the way. I'm creatively suicidal everytime I have a look at his work.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Moleskine inspiration

There's a whole series of these things on youtube. Some are truely great!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Finally finished...

The "Dinosaurs of America today"/statistics brief is finally finished, which means my dino-mania will hopefully cool down a little bit.

I won the battle!

I had a photographic battle with my dear dad at my sister's wedding. We both took hundreds of pictures and competed in taking the best ones. And looki looki, who is the photographer of the picture they choose to put in the news paper?

Monday, October 6, 2008

Can't stop designing...

This is a tribute to deliciously ugly photographs from the 60's, to my family and to a very good song by Regina Spektor. The time is 0.42 and I just can't stop designing...

Today's soundtrack

Friday, October 3, 2008

Look mummy, I've learned how to ride a dino!

Bye bye!

Technology has never been my thing, and I'm not into having cool gadgets. All I need is my baby Macie, my sketchbook and colour pencils. Getting rid of expensive baggage sure feels good! But I must say it's funny that Stina is such a hard name for English speakers to dial into their heads. (I noticed this over in United States firstly, where they called me Dina, Christina, Satine and Sanity - geez!) I must have come off as a real goof to the buyer of this Cintiq Wacom, revealing my name's not Tina after several conversations on the phone and in messages...

When I was dying without creativity...

Inspiration from Stina Johansson on Vimeo.
Found this when I was searching for old pictures. This video is 3 years old, and from the time when I was working as a slave with news paper deliveries and as a full-time cashier in a food store. Back in these days I was literally scared to death if I didn't have anything creative in my life. Even though my spare time was tops 3 hours per day, I used it all to draw, paint, take pictures, write, create designs in the computer and learn how to sow and so on. This movie is quite sad to took at, because there was such a melancholic feeling to everything I did. But it also makes me positive. I know that if I don't do anything creative, the creativity will always hunt me down and find me, no matter where I am. The imagery was shot in Sweden, Norway, France, Czech Republic and Greece.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

I am creative, not a creationist.

After seeing a couple of lectures online on dinosaurs and creationism, it strikes me that these people actually wants to cover up extremely important parts of history, just to make everything match in their little happy fairytale about garden of Eden. Kind of like what the Nazis did about jewish people in the WW2. They have kidnapped dinosaurs and use them as a tool to promote their brainwashing bullshit! And it's becomming bigger and bigger in the United States. This is a slap in the face to every scientist on this planet. When candidates for the American presidency actually believes dinosaurs and humans coexisted, we should really start to do something. So that's why I am a designer against creationism.