Tuesday, May 25, 2010

time to pretend.

It's been a while since I last updated the blog, a huge gap in my usual posting habit. Probably because I said I was gonna stay productive, which I have, only that's been at work and not so much at home, and when I promise myself stupid stuff like that I usually don't do anything. It's been chilling time in front of this show every night, which I'm becomming addicted to. I can sometimes find myself thinking about the art of food in the strangest of places and I reckon Marion or Adam will be the winner in the end. Lately I've also rediscovered this song by MGMT, which is just effing genius. I had an intense period of listening to this song sometime around April 2008, but not until now could I relate to the message in the lyrics. Not that I'm a drog addicted rock star, but being in the creative industry is sometimes a little bit like "being faited to pretend". Sometimes you're dead tired and "miss the boredom and the freedom and the time spent alone" but you still have to pump out the best you have because that's what you do for a living. Jónsi from Sigúr Ros also made his own version of it, which I like a lot.

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