Monday, May 31, 2010

elizabeth gilbert on nurturing creativity.

I fucked up two machines of laundry today. One of my favourite cardigans turned purple and my comfy home-sweater shrunk to half its size. My list of things to do haunted me for the rest of the day for not being ticked off once, while I went for walks, coffee, watching The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo and then getting some more coffee. It was one of those days when I just totally sucked. But then I saw this video and I don't feel so bad anymore. Elizabeth Gilbert's view on creativeness is just so cheerful. This new insight is amazing. How could I not have thought of that myself? I mean, people are flawed, we mess up laundry and have shitty days. It's a terrible thing to believe that we can create amazing things all the time. So I shouldn't kick myself for not getting a lot of stuff done, I should kick my little genius.

1 comment:

Dave Sweeney said...

This is great for those days when it's just not happening!
Thanks for sharing