Saturday, November 28, 2009

no more ranting.

Two days ago was Graduation day. The last chapter of uni life came to an end. A lot of things can be said about the uniersity that I attended, and I've already made myself famous for being rediculously upset about it. Yes, the things I and my friends had to deal with during the last three years was probably enough to make Michael Moore come and make a documentary about it. And yes, the honourable thing in our Honour's Degree is that we stayed and took the battle. But then it felt good to recieve a stupid certificate, and it felt good to shake some dude's hand and probably catch swine flu, and it felt good to wear way too big gowns and hats and freeze our butts off outside the church. Because my best friends are friends from uni and I wouldn't be Stingosaurus if I didn't attend this university. I'm happy that I've stayed for three years and I'm happy that I've graduated. But I'm even more happy about all the things I learned beside the uni stuff. Oh gosh, I need to stop here before I get too cheesy. I guess, what I want to say is that I'm happy I don't feel like fighting with uni anymore. I leave that to the current students...

1 comment:

Maria said...

Haha, japp! jag räknar ner dagarna.