Saturday, May 8, 2010

sufjan is god.

I've gone a little crazy with the posting of new artwork recently, as you can see. But for a good reason, I'm trying to make it into the Semi Permanent book this year and refuse to let my own skills, knowledge, or sleep and whatever, come in between that goal. That means I'm spitting out whatever creative thought I have onto paper and my Mac and not doing much else. And it would be pretty sweet if you guys out there could help me pick out the pieces you think should make it into the final 5 that I'll submit on Monday. Just browse through the artwork by clicking on the category called "Creative Everyday" (you can find it at the bottom of this entry) and leave comments. Thank you!
Meanwhile, let me tell you a little about the most awesome dude in music of all times. He's been helping me through my creative bullshit today and throughout the whole week and for many years before that. He is Sufjan Stevens and he is God. Seriously. I'm gonna marry this guy and have him play for me live everyday. Just imagine how crazy creative that would be...

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