Sunday, April 24, 2011

colours of melbourne. part1.

I've been around in Melbourne to capture the colours of this wonderful city for a uni project. Yesterday I went to the Yarra river and Chapel Street. Today I've been to the CBD and St Kilda. Coming up next is Oakleigh, Box Hill, Chinatown, Docklands, Fitzroy, Flinders Lane etc. These photos are just some first roughs of how things may look like, but for now just experiments...

the feedback sheet.

It's wonderful to go to work when you find things like this... :)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

northcote (so hungover).

Got a new project today. We're making maps of a chosen train or tram line through Prahran (the suburb where our campus is located). This brief made me think of a video by The Bedroom Philosopher, who's singing about the 86 tram in Northcote (a cool area in here Melbourne). I just thought I'd show you, because I love hipster-related humour, can't get enough of it.