Sunday, November 7, 2010


My last entry reminded me about this lovely tune by the likewise lovely Laleh. If you haven't come across her before, just check this video out and she will surely charm your socks off. Cute as a button!

wknd hanging.

A few things that makes me happy right now:
- Summer in November (how fucking awesome is that!!)
- Mikaela dear is in Melbourne.
- My fear of dogs has suddenly disappeared and all kinds of random dogs has started to like me. They even come up to me at cafés to have me throw sticks for them (ah, but seriously, that dog was a little annoying).

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

amelie climbs down a tree.

I was boooooooored. So I put together a little music video of my cat Amelie rocking out to LCD Soundsystem while climbing/ falling down a tree. Enjoy.