Don't really know what day it is. Or month or year. No, I'm not drunk or worse. I've just been spending so much time in front of my computer screen, busting my ass off for design and design and design. Doing freelance, my own million projects and applying for possible futures in the glorious, impossible, design feild for immortals. I know I've been sitting in front of the computer for too long when my headphones starts to act funny. That's like the biggest Western World disaster of today, I think. When I can't be hooked up with music. It really freaks me out. Have to go buy new headphones now. Crap.
I've seen so much great design work online recently I've started to feel like a complete hopeless UCUM victim. Such a shitty university that is. Seriously, if anyone anywhere considers to enroll at that piece of shit school, I hope you'll google it and find this blog-entry and follow my advice and NOT even consider to attend. I've just realised how angry I've been for three years and how unnecessary that anger was. It just drained my motivation and eneergy to actually do something useful. Now I'm a graduate and I'm much better than I think I am, but baring in mind all the stupid stuff my tutors sometimes told me, makes me completely stressed out. As if nothing I do is ever good enough. It feels completely unfair.
This summer is all scizofrenic (how on earth do you spell that word?). It's like it can't decide to be nice and warm, but at the same time not be completely shit either. It's something in between and both and I don't know if I like it. I just stay inside anyway and hope that the tan I got a few weeks ago will last for some time.
Yey, this is my very confused and tired summer. Next year I wanna go someplace warm and awesome.